Clinical evidence shows that the Nalu Micro-IPG delivers consistent pain relief outcomes regardless of nerve target and is supported by RCT, real world, and healthcare economic data.
Nalu RCT Data
Real-World Evidence
Heathcare Economic Data
SCS Prospective Data
Long-term PNS Outcomes enabled with advanced micro-IPG Technology
Comfort RCT 1-Year Results1

87% of patients with Nalu PNS show greater or equal to
50% pain relief with an average pain relief of 69%.
Nalu Outcomes only with Nalu Technology
Nearly all patients in the COMFORT RCT study utilized Nalu PNS capabilities typically seen only in SCS systems.
Study subjects employed at least one of the following:
- Pulse widths ≥500 μs.
- Frequencies ≥500 Hz.
- Multi-electrodes.
- Multi-area (including cross lead stimulation).
- Scheduling.
- Proprietary Nalu waveforms (current steering, PSP, pulse width >1000 μs).

Published and Presented Data
1.Hatheway J, Hersel A, Engle M COMFORT Study Group, et al. Clinical study of a micro-implantable pulse generator for the treatment of peripheral neuropathic pain: 12-month results from the COMFORT-randomized controlled trial Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine Published Online First: 20 November 2024. doi: 10.1136/rapm-2024-106099.